Dave Kinnaman writes:
 > Brian,
 > My request to [log in to unmask] also failed.
 > My guess is user error.  Maybe the filename is wrong, maybe the syntax is
 > wrong, maybe there is another item, like the associated listname, that
 > must be given.
 > > get net_gate policy from [log in to unmask] would explain the policy
 > > on gating lists to usenet groups.
 > >
 > > I tried that and the [log in to unmask] said it had no such file.
I panicked and wasn't sure we had moved the files correctly
([log in to unmask] is now on an AIX machine). But it is there.
get netgate policy
will send you the file, which is a description of gatewaying and the
checklist of things you must go through.  It's a must read if you want
to gateway your list to news.