On Thu, 16 Mar 1995 23:18:27, Douglas Winship <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I had assumed that if I changed the Files= keyword in the list header from
> Files= Yes to Files= No new subscribers would automatically have the Files
> option set to No, but such is not the case, they are set Yes.
> Do I need to put Nofiles in the Default-Options?
It depends -- see below.
> If so, what is the point of the Files= Yes/No keyword?
When a file is posted to the mailing-list,
  then If the list currently specifies FILES=YES,
    then if the specific user specifies FILES=YES,
      then LISTSERV delivers the file to this user.
      else LISTSERV does not deliver the file to this user.
    else LISTSERV rejects the file.
Otherwise LISTSERV waits for mail or file to be posted.
Of course, if the list-definition is ever changed to 'FILES=YES',
then having default-options of 'FILES=NO' will protect the "innocent"
from receiving files.