The subscriber in the following bounce was notified that mail to this address
was bouncing--she has since been unsubbed at this address (for several weeks)
and resubbed to ICWP-L (International Center for Women Playwrights) at a
different address.  I deleted her at this old address, but every day there are
bounces in my mailbox from this original trouble address.
        Can anyone help with this problem?  I tried to send a message to the
postmaster at ECHONYC, but receive the same NO SUCH HOST response.  I don't
understand why mail is still sent to the address, when listserv tells me that
the subber at this address has been deleted.
        Thanks in advance.
Diane Taber-Markiewicz
The enclosed message, found in the ICWP-L  mailbox and shown under the spool ID
8459 in the system log, has been identified as a possible delivery error notice
for the following reason: "X-Report-Type:" field found in mail header.
------------------------ Message in error (65 lines) --------------------------
Return-Path: <>
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV@UBVM) by
          UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 4163; Fri,
          24 Mar 1995 19:50:17 -0500
Received: from UBVM (NJE origin SMTP2@UBVM) by UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (LMail
          V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 4059; Fri, 24 Mar 1995 19:49:30 -0500
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 95 19:49:28 EST
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Undeliverable Mail
X-Report-Type: Nondelivery; boundary="> Error description:"
This delivery error is in a special format that allows software like
LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can
safely ignore the numeric codes.
Note: delivery error converted to LMail format at UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU.
--> Error description:
Error-For:  coollit@ECHONYC
Error-Code: 1
Error-Text: 550 Host 'ECHONYC' Unknown
Error-End:  One error reported
----------------- Original delivery error (before conversion) ----------------- unable to deliver following mail to recipient(s):
550 Host 'ECHONYC' Unknown
           ** Text of Mail follows **
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP V2R3)
   with BSMTP id 4909; Fri, 24 Mar 95 19:49:16 EST
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV@UBVM) by
 UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 5020; Fri,
 24 Mar 1995 17:14:03 -0500
Date:         Fri, 24 Mar 1995 12:06:26 -1000
Reply-To:     International Center for Women Playwrights
              <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       International Center for Women Playwrights
              <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Justina Taft Mattos <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: just wondering!
To:           Multiple recipients of list ICWP-L <[log in to unmask]>
In-Reply-To:  <95Mar23.181044hst.11367(7)@relay1.Hawaii.Edu>
Personally, my biggest day-to-day struggle as a playwright is finding the
time to write.  I am not a professional playwright, because somehow I
have to earn a regular paycheck to pay rent, bills, etc.  So I work and
go to school all day, take care of my daughter & do homework in the evenings,
and late at night after everyone has gone to bed, if I'm not too
exhausted, I have a few precious hours of peace & quiet where the muse
sometimes visits me.
        I spoke to another woman playwright who says that when she hits a
hot streak in her writing, finds a subject that inspires her, she locks
herself in her apartment and doesn't come out for 3 days or whatever
until her play is written.  For a moment I felt a twinge of jealousy that
she had the luxury to do that.  But I *chose* to fill my life with
marriage and a family, (and to marry a man who I knew wouldn't have the
income to allow me to stay home & be a "housewife"/playwright), so that
means that my playwrighting time is precious & limited, but I guess we all
make choices we have to live with one way or another.
        Too bad it takes money to get by in this world.  I bet there'd be
many more lovely poets and artists in the world if they didn't have to
sell shoes all day to pay the rent.