>         Can anyone help with this problem?  I tried to send a message to the
> postmaster at ECHONYC, but receive the same NO SUCH HOST response.  I don't
> understand why mail is still sent to the address, when listserv tells me that
> the subber at this address has been deleted.
> ....................................................................
> 550 Host 'ECHONYC' Unknown
        Mail occasionally remains in transit for days, sometimes weeks,
after a subscriber has been unsubbed.  As for the "'ECHONYC' Unknown"
response, I'm pretty sure that there is no such Bitnet node as ECHONYC.
There IS an Internet address ECHONYC.COM.  I would imagine that you could
contact [log in to unmask] if need be.
        Joan Korenman        Internet: [log in to unmask]
                             Bitnet:   korenman@umbc