How do other sites get around this problem?
We do e-mail under Music - [log in to unmask]  We run L-Mail under
VM - [log in to unmask]  Two things happen to us.  1-When our users
subscribe to "unfriendly" maillists, their addresses are interpreted as their message was SENT FROM
2-Some Mail Server/Clients also do this same thing.  When a
correspondent responds to a message from our Music user, the address is
[log in to unmask]  We can get around this by setting up aliases under
vm for all the music ids.  Or by setting  default_forward = after explicitly setting forwarding for cms ids that
need to get mail.  Both solutions are pretty ugly.  Our users never
get to be known by everybody as  [log in to unmask]  What am I
missing?  There have to be other VM sites out there with the same
problem.  What do you do?
Helen P. Nulty     315-379-5979  Fax:  315-379-5539
Systems Manager                  e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
St. Lawrence University            OR     [log in to unmask]
Computer Operations, Launders Computing Center
Canton, NY  13617