On Wed, 22 Mar 1995 10:11:00 EST Bill Verity <[log in to unmask]> said:
>Now you've whetted our appetites. How do we use this new technique? I've
>got editors on platforms that can't generate the proper RESENT- headers.
>This may be useful for them.
Since you have  the -5 beta, it  should work on your server.  It will NOT
work on servers with the -4 or  older betas. In that case, contact me for
a copy of the -5 beta if you want to test this.
Anyway,  you  activate  this  by  changing  the  header  to  read  "Send=
Editor,Hold". Instead of  just forwarding the messages to  the editor and
forgetting about them, LISTSERV holds  them (I eventually decided against
holding the  spool files,  since they  have a tendency  to get  purged or
change spoolid under VM, but that's where  the name comes from - it might
change in the final  release). The list owner gets a  copy of the message
with instructions to OK it.