Last week I moved a list to TAMVM and arranged for:  no notebook (archives)
but YES to digest.....
The person who set it up has now taken off for spring break and I can't get
an why the digest option is NOT available.  Being a total novice
at this I am now speculating that I HAVE to have notebook in order to have the
digest option available.  I've had 4 sign off the list immediately and several
others "screaming" at me! (down to about 40 members)........
The person I was working with last week set it up with the digest option
listed as Digest= Yes,H,Daily,12,1500
I e-mailed to the site yesterday and no response. With luck I won't lose too
many members until the person in charge gets back.  But, is my conclusion
correct?  That he was wrong in thinking I could have notebook = No
AND the digest option set to yes?
Shirley Varmette
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