On Sat, 8 Apr 1995 05:32:37 -0400 Roger Burns said:
>I've just stumbled across this procedure where sizelim errors are sent to
>the postmaster instead of to the Errors-to: address.  My Listserv is 1.8a.
>I presume that the change in where over-sized message will be sent to
>will become effective for 1.8b?
Nope.  In 1.8b the sizelim errors still go to the postmaster but at least
the listowner is told about it.  The postmaster is cc:'d on that notification
as well, so every sizelim error generates two files for the postmaster to
deal with.   But wait... it gets better:
One of our lists is quite large and has a sizelim of only 60 lines.  As if
that didn't cause enough headaches, mail that is bounced back to the list
due to errors which LISTSERV would normally filter out and return to the
listowner is instead returned to the postmaster!  This is because the size
check is done before the filter check.  So, on a typical day the postmaster
here (me) sees a couple of dozen error files that only a listowner needed to
see.  It's not a big deal as it sounds - I just CP transfer them to the
appropriate people - but I, too, wish the default behaviour were more logical.
Bill Gruber
City University of New York