The way my copy  of the code reads, the message is sent  only to the list
owner. However,  there is a  general rule that  when a message  causing a
problem of some kind exceeds X lines, only the first X lines are sent and
the  message is  transferred to  the postmaster  in case  it needs  to be
retried later.  In that case  the postmaster  is of course  informed. The
current value of X was 100, probably because it made sense when this code
was written. I'm going to increase it  to 500 because that's more in line
with the kind of quotas list  owners have nowadays. However, the original
problem will remain, because a typical value for MAILMAXL is between 5000
and 10000 lines,  so your typical bounce is a  message of several hundred
kilobytes.  It's not  reasonable to  just toss  the thing  into the  list
owner's  mailbox, in  fact chances  are it  wouldn't be  accepted by  the
owner's mail  system due to  its size. And  LISTSERV has to  do something
with the message in case it turns  out to be useful. Since you can't make
any assumption about which mail system will handle messages of what size,
the only safe thing to do is to keep it locally.
I'm not sure I  understand John's message about the FAQ.  Do you mean you
have a  FAQ that's longer  than 5-10k lines? If  so, wouldn't it  be more
reasonable to  put the  FAQ on  file and send  a shorter  message telling
people how to get it?