On Sun, 16 Apr 1995, Melvyn King wrote:
> I have added another owner to the header. Must he establish his own password
> or must he know mine?
Don't give him your personal password.  He can use the list password
(as long as he always works from the address listed for him as owner) or
he can use his personal password (easy to set up) and work from anywhere.
That is my understanding of one of the distinctions between list and
personal passwords (corrections, please, if wrong).  I've never used
anything but personal passowords (password actually, I use the same one
for all the lists I have anything to do with, if I have to change one
of 'em, I change all, not too secure but I already have more than enough
passwords to keep track of (personal LISTSERV password should not be the
same as your login/logon password)).
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner