17 april 1995 Ottawa Canada
You may wish to do a regular add listname [log in to unmask] real name.
The main reason I see is the user will get a nitification they have been
added to the list and this message usually explains how to change
subscription options.
Alternatively, you may wish to to a quiet add and then
quiet set listname options for *@* or some subset of yur subscribers to
say make them digest recipients, turn off files or on or such.
If you do a quiet set and quiet add you could do a regular mailing to
your list to announce to people they are on the list, welcome them, say
what their subscription options are and how to change them if they wish.
When sending a how to change your options message you have to take into
account your subscribers' familiarity with listserv which may be from
nil to expert.
So you would probably want to explain briefly what each option will do
to them and also how to terminate their subscription!
Periodically I post a how to end your subscription message to my list
and also whom to contact for help.
While i ask people to send me a copy of their message to listserv and
the resulting reply, I find few users actually do this so sometimes when
they are on with a different user id and possibly a name from before
several marraiges an educated guess or further information is required
to make sure i do not nuc the wrong person.