On Mon, 17 Apr 1995 23:31:36 -0500 Winship said:
>On Mon, 17 Apr 1995, Dave Gomberg wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Apr 1995 08:33:45 -0400 David B. O'Donnell said:
>> >Yes, getting hundreds of bounces a day is irritating. I'm not sure what
>> >exactly can or should be done about it, though.
>> I know exactly what should be done about it.  The number of bounce messages
>> to a single recipient about a single user should be limited (to one per day
>> or whatever).  There is no point in pumping them out by the dozens or more.
>Yes, there is a point to this.  If you have a largish, active list (AUTOCAT
>is 3000+, traffic of 25 - 65+ per day) 200 - 300 errors per day is not
>unusual.  A lot of those will be repeats, but a fair number will be singleton
>errors, or errors that happen two - three times per day over a number of
>days.  Those I save for reference for a while, but otherwise ignore (helps
>to have a special account for errors).  If only one error for the
>subscriber in question is allowed through how can it be determined whether
>the problem will likely go away by itself or it is serious and something
>needs to be done, without extra work?
Well, what I DO under the present situation is trash all error msgs from each
sender of errors except one per day.  So if that sender needs to complain
about 2 subscribers, it will take him a couple of days to get his point
across.  But it beats looking and hundreds of bounce msgs in a day.   Dave
Dave Gomberg, San Francisco           Internet: [log in to unmask]