I run a list that recently moved homes. For some reason, the sponsors of
the list decided in their wisdom to keep the list also intact at its
old home, except not to allow it to post or messages or receive new
subscriptions. This was fine up to a point, but if a subscriber at
the new home mistakenly or unthinkingly sent unsub or nomail
commands to listserv at the old home, I'd never know about it
unless they wrote and complained. So I changed the old list
header to validate=yes,confirm thinking that would bring about
a situation where I would be notified of all moves on the old
list. In fact, all it does is lay a small (and annoying, if
you're a technophobe) obstacle in the way of your sending
commands to listserv at the old home--in the form of a
command confirmation request.
So I have two questions: 1) how can I alter the TEXT of the
command confirmation request so that it just says get in touch
with the listowner if you want to change your options? 2) if I'm
stuck with the text of the ccr as is, what else can I do to make
sure any attempts to unsub, etc., at the old list address will
come to my attention? (I HAVE altered the FAREWELL file at the
old list but that's only part of the problem). All suggestions
Many thanks for help.
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   %   American Studies, NYU    |        Eppur si muove                %
   %   H-Amstdy Comoderator     |             -- Galileo               %
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