>         I'm a brand new list owner with a question about the LISTSERV
> documentation. My server is running version 1.8a of the LISTSERV, but the
> List Owner's memo and Keywords memo are for version 1.5d. I have already
> discovered that some of the syntax I have tried to use (based on 1.5d
> documentation) is obsolete.
For some reason this tends to be a fairly common occurance ... My site
provides 1.5d documentation too.
>         Could someone please e-mail me privately and tell me where I can
> get the most recent documentation. It's hard enough trying to figure these
> commands out as it is, but that's an ongoing theme  :-)
Did you get the information you needed?  I have info about 1.8a somewhere
in my files.  If you'll let me know if you still need it, I'll look for it.