On Wed, 26  Apr 1995 12:30:39 EST  Kevin Brunson <[log in to unmask]>
>This message  is beginning to be  annoying. Must I change  this on every
>list that I PUT (400+)?
I  assume you're  only updating  lists from  time to  time. So,  when you
update a list, you just make the change in passing.
>Also,  LISTKEYW MEMO  does not  contain  the correct  syntax, either.  I
>realize  that documentation  often  lags but  I want  to  point out  the
>confusing nature  of the message;  could it point to  some documentation
You are running  the beta version of 1.8b. When  this version is formally
released, the LISTKEYW MEMO will have the correct syntax.