Lately, I've been seeing an extrordinary number of confirmation replies
addressed to owner-listserv.  After eliminating the ones from MSMAIL
sites ( which used to include almost all of them ) I still had a pile.
After running tests with postmasters at several of the sites - admittedly
a small sample - I think I see the beginning of a pattern.  Mail that
passes thru <some> UUnet gateways goes in with both a Return-path and a
From Header, but comes out with 2 From headers - ie the return-path
header is changed to a FROM header so that when the eventual recipient
does a reply, his mailer ( compliant ) uses the first FROM as the
source of the reply address.
has anyone else seen this ?
< lightbulb going on >  is this why LMAIL always uses the LAST of any
duplicate headers ?