In a message dated 95-05-31 15:06:50 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Eileen
Wierzbowski) writes:
>I've recently run across a rash of new [AOL] subscribers to my list that
>suspiciously like phony names are being used.  [ ... ] Is there a policy or
>ettiquette I could refer to in asking these people to resubscribe using
>real names?  It has not (yet) posed a problem but I thought it should be
>addressed from the start.
If your list has a policy of only accepting real names on subscriptions, I'd
suggest sending that policy to the subscribers; you may want to cc:
[log in to unmask] (one of the accounts I monitor) as well. Though we don't
have a -specific- Terms of Service guideline for this kind of situation, the
general guideline ("act appropriately for the service which you are using")
does apply.
Of course, if at any time any AOL user deliberately abuses your list, you
should feel free to forward complete copies of the abusive messages to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask], in addition to taking any local
action you deem appropriate (removal, filtering, etc.). The member will be
dealt with locally and, if the abuse does not cease or is immediately
egregious, their account will be terminated.
__ David B. O'Donnell ([log in to unmask], [log in to unmask])
\/ AOL Internet Feedback/Response/Information Team Manager
   Tel. +1 703/556-3725 - FAX  +1 703/883-1514 - "The spam stops here."
   Belief-L, GLB-News, SoftRevu List Owner/Editor