On    Thu,     4    May    1995    23:57:58     -0400    John    Pimentel
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>I beg to differ Eric, but on yonder lists at eWorld, I have the lists at
>Subscription= Open  and had Validate=  Yes, and for removing  someone or
>having them remove themselves required confirmation.
But that's just what I said:
>>"Validate=" is a security keyword. There are several levels of security
>>which  all  apply consistently  to  all  commands.  [...] If  you  want
>>confirmation on  subscriptions only,  you can use  "Subscription= Open,
>>Confirm", which works independently of "Validate=".
If  you  have  "Validate=  Yes",  confirmation  is  required  unless  the
operating  system guarantees  authenticity, which  is not  the case  with
e-mail. If  you want  confirmation on subscriptions  but not  on anything
else, you want "Subscription= Open,Confirm" and "Validate= No".