David Sitman wrote:
>                       Announcing the LISTSERV
>                     List Owner's Survival Guide
What a coincidence: my working title was also "LISTSERV List Owner's
Survivial Guide".  No, I hadn't previously heard of TERENA, or their effort
to produce such documentation.  Besides, my working title has since changed
to "LISTSERV List Owner's Primer".
All the same, I can now breathe a heavy sigh of relief, knowing that a whole
team of people have come out with better documentation which is more
complete than mine was ever intended to be.  I therefore recommend that
everyone who is interested in my effort please instead consider obtaining
TERENA's version.
You can compare the two:
TERENA's version:               ftp://ftp.earn.net/pub/doc/listserv/
My (incomplete) version:        ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/public/LISTSERV/
Upstaged, outnumbered, and outclassed...and glad to hear it!  :)
David, I would like to ask if I may use extracts from your document in my
- Michael;     NAUSICAA list owner: <[log in to unmask]>