For semi-annual renewal, code:
* Renewal= 6-Monthly
If you want to extend the default 7-day delay, code:
* Renewal= 6-Monthly,Delay(x)
where x is the number of days to wait for a response to the renewal
From the forthcoming List Owner's Manual:
Renewal= <interval1>,<interval2>...<intervalx>,Delay(<number>)
This keyword controls whether or not subscribers are required to renew their
subscriptions on a regular basis, and what the subscription period is.
Multiple intervals can be set, each interval being one of several
- Monthly, Yearly, Weekly, or a numeric variation such as 3-Monthly (meaning,
- An absolute date in the format yy/mm/dd (once on this specific day), the
  format mm/dd (once yearly on this day), or the format dd (once monthly on
  this day).
- The confirmation delay, in the format Delay(n), where (n)=the number of days
  between the time the subscriber is asked to confirm the subscription and the
  day the user is removed from the list.  This default is Delay(7), or seven
A typical Renewal= configuration might be:
     * Renewal= 6-Monthly,Delay(14)
On Tue, 23 May 1995 08:52:51 EDT Jim Cocks said:
>Anyone know where the Renewal options are documented or what they
>are?  The only one I'm aware of is Renewal= Yearly.  Is there one
>for semi-annual (6 months)?
>Jim Cocks  Univ. of Louisville  <[log in to unmask]>