In article <[log in to unmask]>, Eric Thomas
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>On   Mon,    29   May   1995    10:31:28   +0200   Herman    Van   Uytven
><[log in to unmask]> said:
>>Listserv seems to  reply to the address is the  Sender field. This seems
>>not  correct to  me,  although I  guess  there is  a  good technical  or
>>historical reason.
>Why  does it  seem  incorrect? :-)
I thought there was a rule in RFC822 that says:
if there is a reply-to field, reply should go to this address
if there is no reply-to field, reply should go to the sender address
if there is neither a reply-to or a sender field, reply should go to
  the from address
So why shouldn't this scheme be followed for mails to the listserv machine ?