In article <[log in to unmask]>, "LISTSERV list
owners' forum" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I have a copy.. You know why manuals are written about manuals, don't you?
> Because nobody can ever understand the manuals. That's why I thought we
> were talking about it?  But, that's alright, I have more than several
> lists and conferences to manage so I'll be back when someone has something
> to say that I might be interested in...
   Interesting. The List Owner's manual seems to be very clear on many
points, this one included. (Bravo, L-Soft, for the document.) Since you do
in fact have that document, perhaps you might post what seems unclear on
this topic as discussed in section 2.5, and then maybe some of the
subscribers here might be able to give you responses that meet your fancy.
   Anyway, I'd like to second Nathan's suggestion about grabbing the List
Owner's manual. LISTSERV documentation in the past has been lacking, but
this goes a long way to make up for that deficiency.
> > On Thu, 8 Jun 1995 11:18:08 -0400 PNEWS said:
> > >Question is, when we change the header by using GET <filename>, we make
> > >our changes and insert the password and send it back with a PUT command?
> > >I haven't done it, but isn't that all there is?
> >
> > This is the kind of thing we went to great lengths to produce a List
> > Owner's Manual for...I don't want to say that the answers to every question
> > you'll ever have are in it, but the answers to this kind of question <are>.
> >
> > You can grab a copy from or through our web site at
> >
> >
> > Nathan
> >
David W. Baker | [log in to unmask] | <URL:>