I think Roger Burn's idea is good.  Since LISTSERV is now a commercial
program there are a lot of potential customers who will need a lot of
handholding at the start.
Before I became a listowner I spent over a year subscribed to this list
(yeah, I know I was a pain) and tried to understand all the documentation
I could find, "official" or not.  So, when I did become a listowner I
had a lot of it down pat, and was even advising some inexperienced owners.
Not everyone has the time for that, nor the inclination to do it.  And,
with commercial products, people expect to have all the answers easily
available (emphasize the "easily").  A basic "how-to" (with a bit of
"why" thrown in) manual for newbies would, I think, be a good idea.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner