Vicki said:
> Thanks Doug & Eric -- I tried the bounce feature on Pine.  It generated
> resent lines with no problem.  But I couldn't figure out how to
> edit the message before I bounced it.
> My subscribers almost never submit a message that doesn't have to
> have an address added, excess quoted lines deleted, the subject
> line clarified, or something else changed.
. . .
> For that matter, at this point I'd take anything that will
> run on UNIX or offline and send out properly formatted
> messages (that I have the chance to lightly edit).  I have to
> think that many people are moderating lists using something
> other than Ricemail (I hope).
This is not exactly the approved method, but it works.  When elm
(and probably pine) put mail in a folder, it is an ordinary text
file in your account.  You can edit it with any editor.  So this
is what you can do:
Save messages that need editing (or even all messages) in a
folder.  Then exit from elm.
Edit the file containing the messages.  All you have to do is be
careful not to mess up the header lines.  If you are using
something like emacs, you can create macros that will move from
message to message and insert standard "Message from Moderator"
Restart elm and open the folder.  Bounce the messages to your
list server.  Elm has no way to detect that you have changed the
I did this for a while on one of our lists, so I know it works.
I gave up on it as too much work.  You have been doing this kind
of moderating for EDTECH--and it shows in the quality of the
list.  I hope this makes it possible for you to keep it up.
                          Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler          Internet:  [log in to unmask]  >>
<<  University of Cincinnati     Bitnet:  wheeler@ucbeh       >>