There have been some excellent replies to this, hut I'll throw in my comments
too, at your sufferance.
(By the way, sic your lawyer(s) on your net.kook, Anita.  Just be sure
of your grounds and your people know what to go for.  Good luck and let
us know of developments.)
Always keep in mind it is *your* list, you *are* the owner, if for no
other reason than the many hours you put in to try to keep it running as
smoothly as possible, and that *you* are responsible to your host site.
Having a gateway to usenet is fine, if you want it as a courtesy to some
who prefer that sort of access.  But remember it is a courtesy on your
part, not an obligation.  If decide the gateway is more trouble than
it's worth (and I'm starting to agree with, I think, Nathan that it's
really uselessnet) simply shut it down.  There may be howls of protest,
but they can always get direct subs, if they are *really* interested.
I'ld like to emphasize what others have said about copyright.  If these
binary files are being used to send photos and posters you, and your
host site, could be in for *big* trouble.  Assume, with the extensions
of copyright, changes to law, Berne convention, etc., it will be under
copyright as long as you live (and maybe as long as your children live,
if you have any).
And besides a lot (most ?) of your subs not knowing what the heck to do
with  a uuencode file, there is always the possibility someone will try
to slip something nasty (virus, outright blatant porn, etc.) through.
Are you going to decode each item to be sure it is what it purports to be?
To me, the risks so far outweigh the benefits you have every justification
you need to refuse to allow such activity.
Some people want to exchange these files? Fine, they know how to do it,
they can exchange them privately (someone can say "I've got so-and-so
in this format, contact *me* if you want it"), but not on the list.
Oh, goodness, I could go on and on.  No one else can stop me, so I'd best
do it myself.  Just remember that *you* do the work and that your host
site probably holds *you* responsible for the list, and everything on it.
It is sometimes unpleasant to do what, in your best judgement, needs to be
done, but if ya gotta do it, ya gotta do it.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner