On Wed, 31 May 1995 16:10:24 EDT Peter M. Weiss said:
>>  This might be an instance for the 'FILTER_ALSO' keyword config
>>option in listserv 1.8b....but I'm just not sure where this option
>I believe that would be for the entire listserv process and not
>just for a particular list.
In the particular case we seem to be discussing, that of subscribers from
anon.penet.fi, we do need an option that applies to the entire listserv
process.  In fact, it probably needs to apply globally.
>You might also consider the new (and improved) LISTSERV
>option (on a per userid basis) of NOPOST (assuming that
>it is OK for anonymous subscribers to be set to READ-only,
>but not be able to post).  This is a list-owner set-able
>option and is documented in the list-owner's guide which
>can be had by e-mailing a current version of listserv:
>info owners
Again, in this particular case, there is not a single userid in question,
it is basically all addresses of the form an*@anon.penet.fi.  The message
we received from the administrator indicates that he does not wish for
people to subscribe _at_all_, not even for read capability, as his server
is not really intended or able to handle the high traffic volume that
results from many list subscriptions.
Good to know about the NOPOST option, though, for future reference.
I think it's worth noting that this latest flak seems to have been
stirred by a single person/entity circumventing the anonymous
server's listserv checking mechanism, and attempting to subscribe
to a multitude of lists in obvious preparation for a spam.