In article <[log in to unmask]>, Landy Manderson
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>In the particular case we seem to be discussing, that of subscribers from
>, we do need an option that applies to the entire listserv
>process.  In fact, it probably needs to apply globally.
Exactly what I was looking for when I posted to original question.
>I think it's worth noting that this latest flak seems to have been
>stirred by a single person/entity circumventing the anonymous
>server's listserv checking mechanism, and attempting to subscribe
>to a multitude of lists in obvious preparation for a spam.
Yep... I got about 6-8 subscription requests from the same person.
This same person was later prevented from spamming several of our
lists (I really like the SPAM prevention support in listserv!).
Since this was all generated by a single person it's probably not
worth all the fuss.  I haven't found a global way to prevent
an* from subscribing though.