On Wed,  14 Jun 1995  01:37:12 EDT Spiros  Liolis <[log in to unmask]>
>OK let me get this straight: Full-Auto erases automatically the user and
>also sends the error files to  the error receiver. Manual sends no error
>files to the error receiver but only  a daily report, and does not erase
>the user.
No, they both do the same except that one deletes and the other doesn't.
>The  common   error  files  are   recognized  by  LISTSERV   and  erased
>automatically (as  well as the user).  Would it be possible  to have the
>rest of  error files (the ones  that are not erased  by LISTSERV), under
>Manual status?
If LISTSERV doesn't understand a delivery  error, it passes it on to you,