We have a problem.  We are running version 1.8b of listserv (tcp/ip version)
and  1.2a of lmail.  We do not want to be part of the backbone.  All we want to
do is run a few lists.  The subscribers to these lists can be both on the
Internet or on BITNET.  Since we do not have a BITNET connection, we will
need BITNET users to go through a gateway.  The addressing should look
similar to [log in to unmask]  It was recommended that we
install lmail, and now that we have done just that, we are thoroughly
*confused and frustrated*.
We've set up our listserv to have any mail it receives to go to mailer,
but I do not understand how mailer will get the mail to SMTP for those
users outside of our domain and on BITNET.  The documentation is horrible and
not easy to follow.  Any help in this area is greatly appreciated.
Norma Travelletti           email:  [log in to unmask]
Tulsa Junior College
Tulsa, OK