*** Resending note of 06/27/95 11:30
We have a list that is private, subscription by listowner. The listowner
does not want the  requesting subscriber to get a copy  of the note that
Listserv sends  him. Is there a  graceful way or parameter  setting that
I'm overlooking?  Thanks.  Mignon
>Mignon, remember me mentioning that listserv was .CCing the registration
>note (to the list owner) to the person subscribing? Following is an
>example. The header has both a "To:" (addressed to me) and a "cc:"
>(addressed to the subscriber).
 ....stuff deleted...
>From: BITNET list server at SIVM(1.8a)
>A request for subscription to the ... has been received from ...
>You   can,  at   your  discretion,   send  the   following  command   to
>[log in to unmask](or [log in to unmask]) to add  this person to the
>             ADD FEDCSG etc. etc.