I just wanted to thank everyone who answered my post about help for a
novice listowner. What I didn't meantion at the time (it hadn't been
confirmed yet) is that I'll be taking over an existing list at psuvm.psu.edu
and that I'll be doing it "blind"  by e-mail with no listowner experience
or access to documentation. The current owner won't be available...
I'm still panicking but am reassured by the responses I got, enough to think
that I just might be able to keep the list alive.  It's not an important
list (fanzine - devoted to small/self publishers, especially media zines)
but there are those who would miss it if it were gone.
What I'd really like to see is a listserv book aimed at the person with
little or no experience. I scoured 4 bookstores/3 libraries looking for
such a book...:(  Is there such a book? The little I could find in print
was aimed solely at those who were interacting with the listserv from the
subscrbers viewpoint. Not helpful at all...
Anyway, thanks again!
Terry Owen (soon-to-be new owner of [log in to unmask])
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