I suppose the only thing I am REALLY sure of is my inalienable right to
say what I please, in any forum I choose, and your cooresponding right
not to listen.  :-)  I am a strong believer in the responsibility of
parents to monitor the activities of their children, and limiting free
speech because a couple of misguided adolescents were coerced or charmed
into running away with a pedophile is insufficient rationale for
undermining 250 years of 4th amendment rights.  I also believe that the
pandering to religious extreamism and victorian sensibilities the current
crop of legislators is engaging in is much more shameful than any
linguistic construct I can generate.  And finally,  "First they came for
the Jews, and I did nothing..."
On Wed, 21 Jun 1995, Mario Rups wrote:
> Poster:       Gail Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
> >Good post, Patrick, but I suspect that when the first "I-Net Fucker" (I
> >hereby volunteer to be the test case) is brought to the bar, the
> >resources of the legal community and the net will be there to defend them
> >to the Hall of the Supremes...   ;-)
> You must be extremely certain of your job, then.  Will the legal community
> and net pay your rent / mortgage and your bills while the case drags on for
> years with the full force of the government (and your own tax money!)
> behind it?  Will they find you a new job afterwards?  Good luck ... we'll
> all be following your case with great interest, I'm sure.
> Mario Rups
> [log in to unmask]
Gail M. Barnes, Ph.D.                 Stupidity is always amazing,
Delta State University                no matter how used to it
Cleveland, Ms  38733                  you may become.
[log in to unmask]                               Jean Cocteau