> >*  Filter= Also,POSTMAST@*,ROOT@*,UUCP@*,MMDF@*,PP@*,MAIL@*,MRGATE@*
> >*  Filter= Also,POSTMSTR@*,SMTP@*
> Entering multiple values of a keyword  is ALWAYS equivalent to entering a
> longer line with all the values separated by commas. Sometimes it may not
> seem intuitive, but  at least there is only one  rule to remember, rather
> than 49. So, if you remove the "Also" it ought to work.
>   Eric
It did -- someone else suggested that too.  I'd swear that when I
installed this filter some months ago with 1.8a that I had to
add the "Also" keywords to get LISTSERV to accept it.  But we
are on 1.8b now and it would not accept them.