On Wed, 14 Jun 1995 07:24:07 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>Full-Auto tells LISTSERV to go ahead and delete the users (and send daily
>reports). Manual  tells it to  send the reports  but not delete.  So what
>would it mean to have both options???
OK let me get this straight:
Full-Auto erases automatically the user and also sends the error files
to the error receiver.
Manual sends no error files to the error receiver but only a daily
report, and does not erase the user.
The common error files are recognized by LISTSERV and erased automatically
(as well as the user). Would it be possible to have the rest of error files
(the ones that are not erased by LISTSERV), under Manual status?
I don't know if that makes any sense to you. Does it?
>  Eric