On Thu, 22 Jun 1995 12:45:14 EDT, you said:
> The list will be called hotline-l and will serve to replace a telephone-tree
> method of reaching members of the Va. Federation of Humane Societies.  It
> will keep them informed of upcoming state legislation regarding animal
> welfare as well as Federation news and discussion.  I am to be the list
> administrator.
Umm.. I can't help you with actually finding a home for your list, as our local
policy requires that lists have a local sponsor.  I however have a suggestion:
Don't call the list hotline-l, as this will tend to attract people looking
for OTHER hotline-related issues, be they suicide prevention programs, 911
services, and so on.  Currently, about 20% of the traffic on the MAILBOOK
mailing list (which is for the discussion of Rich Schafer's MailBook package
for reading and sending e-mail on IBM VM/CMS systems) is from people who
think it is a "MAILing list about BOOKs"....
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Engineer
                                Virginia Tech