At 10:06 AM 7/9/95 -0700, Kevin J. Sinclair wrote:
 people who continually generate errors, ie full mailbox
>> messages...can the computer automatically set them NOMAIL ..and then after
>> 3-5 days, delete them? Can this be an automated process?
>So they are on vacation and you nuke them?
Yes, why not? Considerate users who are leaving on vacation set *themselves*
to NOMAIL prior to leaving! They can then resume the flow of mail when they
return by use of a simple command. For that matter, if they are nuked, they
need only re-subscribe - again, a simple one-line email message. A lot less
work for the subscriber, frankly, than it is for the list owner to wade
through the error messages they are generating.
>How about the full mailbox causes them to automatically be set to digest
>as an interim step?
I don't understand the point. The mailbox will still be full. Now they will
bounce one message a day rather than multiples - but bounce they will.
Sylvie McGee
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University Friends' Meeting - seattle wa