On Mon, 17 Jul 1995 19:37:59 -0500 Winship said:
>Well, Geert, don't you fell better for letting off some steam? ;-)
   A little :-).
>I mentioned the 4 hour stuff as it is relatively new and seems to
>be becoming more prevalent fairly quickly.  The old baddies I ignore
>as they are too ingrained in systems to worry about anymore.  But
>if I see an error from IBM I generally assume it's a "format" item
>and delete it without looking, though check every once in a while but
>that's always what it is.
   If  you send  mail  to someone  at  IBMMAIL they  do  turn off  those
messages on  a case by  case basis, I seem  to recall.  Problem  is that
this becomes a  pain to keep up  with as I have many  people there going
on/off my  lists all of  the time,  and in any  case, 3 people  who they
turned off  some time  ago have  somehow been turned  back on  again ...
   Another thing is  that I use Mail/Mailbook (the  last good non-screen
version) and the index may show  "Error message from IBM" (for example),
but that can  be from IBMMAIL.COM as much  as from IBM.CC.SOMEWHERE.EDU,
so I select "from IBM" using ALL (as in ALL XEDIT) and then just PF2/PF9
through them making sure they are from IBMMAIL.COM ...
   There's a tip :-).
>One postmaster has deigned to answer my plea for mercy, said it's part
>of sendmail 8 and maybe the next version will handle list mail better.
>Wonderful, what about now?      Douglas
   All we can do is *OUR* best ... we can't do their job for them :-).
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**  Geert K. Marien : [log in to unmask]  (Bitnet: GKMQC@PUCC)  **
**    (All contents are my own opinions - unless otherwise stated)    **
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