Lee Silverman writes:
>         A slightly more flexible way to do that would be
> send=private,2
> which means that the last two tokens of the domain name have to match.  In
> this scheme:
>         [log in to unmask]
>     and [log in to unmask]
> are the same.  Under send=private,3 they would be considered different,
> because geo and cs don't match.
        Is this a new feature?  Is it documented somewhere?  I don't recall
seeing it.  As someone whose list is send=private, I'd find send=private,2
quite useful, I think.  Where can I learn more?
        Joan Korenman, WMST-L Listowner   KORENMAN@UMBC
        Univ. of MD. Baltimore County     [log in to unmask]
        Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398