On Mon, 24 Jul 1995 11:30:16 -0400,  Josh Renzema wrote:
>...a few of the subscribers have been
>complaining that they get error messages when they post to the list...
>What should I tell the posters?
The problem is a misconfigured mailer than doesn't conform to RFC 1123 (if
I recall the number correctly).  Tell your listmembers to please let you
know when they get such messages as list owners are the only ones that can
deal with problem addresses.
Write to the postmaster at the offending host and politely ask that the
mailer be properly configured to return undelivered mail to the envelope
MAIL FROM, indicate that while you are sorry for the inconvenience it might
cause to the hosts users but your list is simply not available to hosts
that don't conform to accepted mail standards.
I co-own a VERY BUSY list (50+ messages a day); so I routinely to a QU SET
listname NOMAIL FOR *@offending.host.domain and ask that the postmaster let
me know when the condition has been fixed.
/s Murphy A. Sewall <[log in to unmask]> (203) 486-2489 voice
   Professor of Marketing                          (203) 486-5246 fax