Would it be possible to have a modified version of the 'OK' mechanism for
mailing lists, where the subscribe messages that came from a web site
could be required to undergo the 'OK' process, but that messages from
non-web sites not have the 'OK' process?
On my lists, we do not use the OK process as we have not had any
problems; but having a subscribe page on a web site worries us, since one
types in the address and therefore can make prank subscriptions.  It would
be solved for lists like ours if the web site requests had to undergo the
OK mechanism.  I have no idea how you would be able to tell it was from a
web page though...
SIGNATURE  Kevin J. Sinclair,  [log in to unmask],  USA Pacific Time Zone
*  URL  <http://rdz.stjohns.edu/kidopedia/> <http://www.computer.com/home>
* OWNER of some Internet mailing lists; email for info to these addresses:
*   1.  [log in to unmask]    -  WWW Encyclopedia made by children
*   2.  [log in to unmask]  -  Searching for Medical Information
*   3.  [log in to unmask]     -  Cancer, Prostatitis, PBH diseases
*   4.  [log in to unmask]      -  Leukemia, Lymphoma, and M.Myeloma