Last night I received five subscriptions to my (normally very quiet)
AEROSP-L list, from different nodes but with suspiciously similar
and fictitious-sounding names:
[log in to unmask]                              Mr Vortex
[log in to unmask]                 Mr Stumble
[log in to unmask]                          Mr Nimbus
[log in to unmask]                          Mr Fiend
[log in to unmask]                    Mr Sheik
"Mr. Stumble" also apparently subscribed to my NASMNEWS list, and was
auto-deleted as an unknown user.
Does anyone recognize this pattern?  Am I being set up for some
kind of spam or flame war?  Given the current controversies surrounding
our museum, I'm feeling just a little nervous about these subscriptions.
Barbara Weitbrecht
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
[log in to unmask]