I am (unfortuantely) prone to running off at keyboard prior to reading
/considering ALL related postings, but ....
after several hours of deleting garbage and trapsing thru RSCS, LISTSERV
and mailer logs, It occurs to me to ask " are we making it too easy /
giving these turkeys too much credit" ?
The last few 'batches' of bogus stuff appear to be propagated via LISTSERV
i.e. it does NOT appear that the <insert your description of idiot here>
is getting list of lists, sorting, generating commands and sending then
to specific sites - it almost seems ( from quantity/timing ) that the <?>
is simply sending commands: sub * john doe and review * to any listserv
site and that site is doing the work for the person.  ( for the
Steve@pearson / 100013.1274 compuserve blitz, I see three items arriving
here from listserv@INDYCMS - each of those three items resulted in
20-25 error messages )
If this turns out to be the case, can anyone think of a legit reason to
allow wild cards in the SUB or REVIEW commands ?
( I thought I saw LISTSERV reject an item here the other for "too many
  commands" - does anyone know if that is strictly 'lines in mail to
  listserv' or if expansion of wildcards is included ? )
(yawn) I'm sure I'm only dreaming that I typed this  --  mike