When I do an archive search the DATABASE OUTFILE file that I receive
has as the first column the item number.  Something one of my list's
subscribers said this morning raised the question in my mind: at what
point is that item number assigned?  I guess that in turn relates to
how the archive file is created.   When LISTSERV distributes each new
posting does it forward a copy to the archives and assign the next
available item number to it?  Inquiring minds want to know.
If that is how it works (oversimplified though I am sure the above
description is), would it be possible for listserv to assign the
item number BEFORE distribution and then to include it as part of
of the distributed message?  That should facilitate identifying
and retrieving previously posted messages.
Judith Hopkins, Listowner of [log in to unmask]
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  Bitnet:   ulcjh@ubvm