On Wed, 02 Aug 1995 17:08:53 EDT, Wayne Smith <[log in to unmask]> said:
> Section 4.3 of the Listowner's manual suggests a "job" when converting
> from another list.  It says the syntax is
>    QUIET ADD listname DD=X IMPORT
>    //X DD *
>    <user1> <full_name>
>    <user2> <full_name>
>    /*
> But when I send the job, I get a diagnostic that DDname X not found.
> Could this be a bug related to my validate setting?
>    *  Validate= Yes,Confirm,NOPW
> (The QUIET ADD command causes the OK procedure to be invoked.  When I
> respond OK, I get the diagnostic.  It doesn't appear to matter whether I
> wrap the above job in "// JOB" & an extra "/*".
> Thanks,
You figured it correct.  It's because of the "Confirm,NOPW" setting in
your "Validate=" keyword.  The problem is that LISTSERV doesn't keep the
DD control card (in your example "X") in it's JOB Stream until you can
send the OK confirmation command.  So, when you send it, it's too late,
the X DD control card is not there, and LISTSERV sends an error message
To solve this problem while keeping the "Confirm,NOPW" setting, you have
to divide the process into two steps by sending two jobs in two different
e-amail messages.
The first e-mail message to LISTSERV would contain the following job:
// JOB Echo=No
ADD listname DD=X IMPORT
//X DD *
user1@site1 Full_Name1
user2@site2 Full_Name2
user3@site3 Full_Name3
// EOJ
You'll receive a command confirmation request with a confirmation code
number.  Get the code number to put in the following job sent as the
second e-mail message to LISTSERV:
// JOB Echo=No
OK nnnnnn
//X DD *
user1@site1 Full_Name1
user2@site2 Full_Name2
user3@site3 Full_Name3
// EOJ
Everything will go fine, and the users will be added to your list,
without the need to remove the "Confirm,NOPW" setting from its header.
By the way, I noticed that you're using "QUIET" with "IMPORT".  That isn't
needed, since IMPORT does, among the things it does, the job of QUIET
and supresses all user notifications.
| Bassem Fanari         | Bitnet:   [log in to unmask]           |
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