I recently received the following, and thought you folks might want to know
about it, and be on the lookout for this guy.  Too bad we can't petition the
courts for a national arrest warrant on this turkey. :)
>Return-Path: <@VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA:[log in to unmask]>
>Received: from vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA by wincom.net (5.0/SMI-SVR4)
>       id AA07602; Wed, 9 Aug 1995 00:47:40 +0500
>Received: from VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA by vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA (IBM VM SMTP V2R1)
>   with BSMTP id 5416; Tue, 08 Aug 95 22:44:17 MST
> VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA (LMail V1.1d/1.7f) with BSMTP id 1939; Tue,
> 8 Aug 1995 22:35:18 -0700
>Message-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:         Tue, 8 Aug 1995 22:04:54 -0600
>Reply-To: allen <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: Public domain software servers <[log in to unmask]>
>X-UIDL: 808347553.132
>From: allen <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Effective Spamming on the NET FREE GUIDE!
>To: Multiple recipients of list PCSERV-L <[log in to unmask]>
>Content-Type: text
>Status: U
>This is an attempt to make the internet more commercially profitable.
>The following is a guide to "effective marketing" VIA the use of SPAMMING.
>BTW ... THIS IS  A SPAM!  However, I have done lots of research on this
>subject. The following information is a VERY worthwhile read!
>I've been dumped off a number of other servers for spamming activity.  It's
>no big deal, I just change service providers as needed. There are 1000's of
>service providers out there, so the possibilities are endless!  However, at
>the same time, I have made lot of $$ dollars e-mailing to 100,000's of
>thousands of mail list subscribers.
>I pulled ALL possible LISTS from the "tele.net-listserv-List of Views"( the
>below Lists are all the listed ones currently available as of 7/20/95. New
>lists are constantly being added.) I sent out "just one e-mail" with bcc to
>all ALL lists. Don't send a separate e-mail to each mailing list, that
>takes to much time! Just copy and paste the e-mail address for each and
>THEN send. You want ALL lists to be spammed at one time. You want to be
>able to COLLECT as many responses back from the subscribers before your
>service provider shuts you down.
>My e-mail message went out to over 1,466,296 subscribers.  It could have
>been MUCH more than these figures, for I didn't stop to count how many
>subscribers per list!  (The subscribers also tend to forward your message
>to others if you request they do so in your spam.)
>A suggested time to send out your huge spam is on a Sunday night at 2:00
>am. The server is not very busy. Furthermore, the Syops are usually not
>real awake on Monday Morning and are dealing with 100's of posting to their
>mail list from the weekend. It really pays to make your Subj. Header
>something that is "very generic". Many Syops just look at the Subj. header
>and NOT the content before posting. When that happens ... You're in
>Examples of a good header would be: FYI, Good Information, Reply to
>message, Coffee anyone? You get the idea I am sure. Just be creative and
>stay away from headers that sound commercial.
>NEWS GROUPS can be used in a similar fashion. I simply PULL the e-mail
>addresses off the News Group and then, blind carbon copy, (spam) everyone
>with just one e-mail. You can also "post" your message to the News Groups.
>This also works but lacks the personal appeal of a direct e-mail campaign
>to a mailing list.
>Anyway, be prepared for Flames and Mail Bombs to both you and your Service
>Provider.  I have found that the so called "voices from the net" is much
>overrated. Most people pay no attention if they have no interest. However,
>your SERVICE PROVIDER WILL react due to even the smallest amount of mail
>bombs it receives. WHY you ask? The Service Provider gets real UPSET due to
>the fact that mail bombs can overload and shut down their Server. This cost
>them money by temporarily depriving ALL their customers access. That tends
>to make them a LITTLE TESTY!
>I actually have two Service Providers. One Provider is used for "*personal
>normal" activity. The second provider is the one that is always changing.
>It is best to keep the two totally separate ...  *personal Vs business.
>For General Announcements like this one, an "anonymous server" is great!
>However, you can't count on getting all your important replies back.  Many
>of them will get lost on the way back to you due to the security features!
>( a good anonymous provider is  anon.penet.fi  Just send e-mail requesting
>information to [log in to unmask] )
>AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy and Delphi, ETC., don't have that problem because
>of their large size capacity and are much slower to respond to 'NEW BEES"
>who don't "know any better" Generally speaking it takes about 3 warnings
>about spamming from a Service Provider to finally shut you down. You can in
>many cases, PLEAD ignorance ... Oh REALLY,  SOB ... SOB ... I am terribly
>sorry! I am new and I didn't know I couldn't do that ... SOB ... please
>don't shut me off ... sort of dribble. Be creative!  That usually will keep
>your server off your back ONE WEEK TO TEN DAYS to collect your responses
>from the spam.
>Again, if your going to spam ... do it BIG!!!  Little or BIG spam, the end
>result is the same. Your service provider will tire of receiving the mail
>bombs and eventually give you the Old Heave Ho!
>One last helpful hint ... you can make your spamming last much longer with
>your service provider if you take the time to post a question to the Mail
>List that fits their subject matter and then add a PS., ... BTW, Do you
>wanta buy something ... information.  However, I found this very time
>consuming to post individually to 1000's of lists and far EASIER to just
>change service providers. Keep in mind that you ARE going to be eventually
>dumped off anyway ... so what's the difference?
>The Direct Marketing Association says that you should average 1 or 2 %
>response from a U S POSTAL mailing program. I have found that average is
>right on the money with e-mailing! Depending of course on the product you
>are offering. However, even if your response is only a 1/2 of1%. from
>1,466.296 e-mails, that still is 7,330 prospective customers for your
>Gee whiz,  one more thing ... your Mail-LIST will say to you
> " The Internet GOD'S have spoken. You are FOREVER BANNED from ever using
>our Mail-LIST again"! They will put a block on your net address preventing
>you access.  HOWEVER, each time you change Service Providers ... guess
>what?  You have a NEW E-Mail Address! The Mail-LIST computer site is kinda
>stupid and doesn't recognize that you're the same person. This also works
>if you change Mail programs to the "same Service Provider". Remember, just
>a slight change in your mail program will do the trick!  Example, just
>change from Eudora to News Reader And AWAY YOU GO AGAIN!   Spamming away to
>your hearts content to Fame and $$ FORTUNE!
>The Net is totally unregulated  and governed by something called
>"Netiquette".  However, you can within reason, disregard Netiquette because
>of the constantly changing self imposed rules and Hypocrisy of most of the
>users. If you don't believe this, just monitor some news groups and you
>will see. Keep in mind that the internet community will strongly support
>explicit sexual immorality, while a small vocal minority will object and
>violently oppose an innocent commercial message. ... GO FIGURE!!
>Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding the
>above. I am very interested in your feed back!
>Find "tele.net-listserv-List of Views" Use your search engine to access
>this list. The default "100's of Subscribers" will give you the best
>results. However the following is provided for your immediate use. Updated
>The following represents 1,466.296 of subscribers. ( Yes, I did say
>MILLION!) Just copy and paste into your e-mail program and AWAY you GO!
>Now here is the catch ... You can spend the next 2 weeks down loading each
>address at 28.800 baud, or I can send the ENTIRE list to you for $50.00.
>No kidding!  The process of down loading each "send to the Group address
>took me 2 weeks or about 60 hours using a high speed modem.  The follow is
>a sample for you to test.  If you want the rest of the list; send $50.00
>for my time to:
>Jeff Slaton
>6808 Truchas Dr NE
>Albq.,  NM  87109
>        [log in to unmask]    ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]   , [log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]      ,[log in to unmask] ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]   ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]        ,[log in to unmask]       ,
>[log in to unmask]        ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]    ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]      ,[log in to unmask]  ,
>[log in to unmask]   ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]  ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]  ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]    ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]     ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]        ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]       , [log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]       ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]    ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]       ,[log in to unmask] ,
>[log in to unmask]    ,[log in to unmask]
>,[log in to unmask]     ,[log in to unmask]
>Return-Path: <@VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA:[log in to unmask]>
>Received: from vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA by wincom.net (5.0/SMI-SVR4)
>       id AA13536; Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:15:08 +0500
>Received: from VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA by vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA (IBM VM SMTP V2R1)
>   with BSMTP id 6460; Wed, 16 Aug 95 12:11:23 MST
> VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA (LMail V1.1d/1.7f) with BSMTP id 2219; Wed,
> 16 Aug 1995 11:51:44 -0700
>Message-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:         Wed, 16 Aug 1995 11:26:31 -0600
>Reply-To: jack <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: Public domain software servers <[log in to unmask]>
>From: jack <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Answer me please
>To: Multiple recipients of list PCSERV-L <[log in to unmask]>
>Content-Type: text
> To Over 1,500,000 Internet Subscribers
>With Your Advertising Message.
>Save Thousands of $$ Compared to
>The following is a FREE GUIDE to "Effective Marketing" through the use of
>Mass Posting. I have a lot of experience and have done much research on
>this subject. The following information is a VERY entertaining and
>worthwhile read!
>I've been bumped off a number of other Servers for Mass Posting (spamming)
>activity. This is considered a breach of Netiquette. It's no big deal, I
>simply change Service Providers as needed. There are 1000's of Service
>Providers out there, so the possibilities are endless!  However, at the
>same time, I have made a lot of$$ dollars E-mailing to over 1,500,000 (yes,
>I did say MILLION) Mailing List subscribers.
>I pulled ALL possible MAILING LISTS that I could find on the Internet.  I
>sent out "just one E-mail" with bcc, blind carbon copy, to all lists. Don't
>send a separate E-mail to each Mailing List, that takes to much time! Just
>copy and paste the"send to the group" E-mail address for each List and THEN
>send. You want to post ALL lists at one time.  Encourage your recipients to
>call your business number or write to an address to order or obtain more
>information. Some Servers can react quickly (after the fact) and shut you
>down before you get even one reply returned to you.
>NEWS GROUPS are used in a similar fashion. I simply PULL the E-mail
>addresses off the News Groups and then blind carbon copy, post everyone,
>with just one E-mail. You can also "post your message" to the News Groups.
>This also works, but is not as effective as the personal appeal of a direct
>E-mail campaign. Be prepared for Flames and Mail Bombs to both you and your
>Service Provider. I have found that the so called "Voices from the Net" is
>much overrated. Most people pay no attention if they have no interest.
>However, your SERVICE PROVIDER WILL react due to even the smallest amount
>of mail bombs it receives. WHY you ask?  Service Providers get real UPSET
>due to the fact that mail bombs can overload and shut down their Server.
>This temporarily deprives ALL their customer's access. This tends to make
>them a LITTLE TESTY!  However, this is not as bad as it seems. You already
>have received many "connection refused by Host" error messages from your
>Server. This happens when traffic becomes too heavy for your Server to
>handle and the Server Temporarily shuts down. For General Announcements
>like this one, an "Anonymous Server" is great! However, you can't count on
>getting  your important replies back.  Many of the replies will get lost on
>the way back to you due to the security features of the Anonymous Server!
>(A good anonymous provider is "anon.penet.fi." Just send E-mail requesting
>information to "[log in to unmask]".)
>A suggested time to send out your huge mass posting is on a Monday morning
>at 2:00 am. The Server is not very busy. Furthermore, the Syops (system
>operators serve as monitors) are usually not very awake on Monday morning.
>They are more likely to let your E-mail slip by due to dealing with 100's
>of posting to their Mailing List from the weekend. It really pays to make
>your Subj. Header something that is "very generic." Many Syops just look at
>the Subj. header and NOT the content before posting. When that happens ...
>You're in business! Examples of a good header would be: FYI, Good
>Information, Reply to message, Coffee anyone? You get the idea I am sure.
>Just be creative and stay away from headers that sound commercial. The
>subscribers also tend to forward your message to others if you request they
>do so in your posting. BTW, ... MOST of the Lists are NOT REALLY MONITORED.
>AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy and Delphi, ETC., don't have the problem of
>shutting down because of their large size capacity. They are also much
>slower to respond to NEW BEES who don't "know any better." Generally
>speaking it takes about 3 warnings about Mass Posting (spamming) from a
>Service Provider to finally shut you down. You can, in many cases, PLEAD
>ignorance ... Oh REALLY,  SOB ... SOB ... I am very sorry! I am new and I
>didn't know I couldn't do that ... SOB ... please don't shut me off ...
>sort of dribble. Be creative!  This tactic will sometimes keep your Server
>off your back one week to ten days to collect your responses from 2 or 3
>separate mass posts. If you are currently a subscriber to one of the Big
>services and you get bumped off, ... a letter of apology to TOS with a
>promise not to Spam again will always get you turned back on. I had one
>Server here in Albuquerque going for several weeks until they wised up to
>what I was doing. Please, don't count on that happening! You have a high
>probability of being immediately BUMPED OFF!
>One technique that I use with a great deal of success is an AUTOMATED
>service called VOICE MESSAGING. You will never miss a message or have a
>busy line again! This service adds $6.95 a month to your phone bill. The
>great thing about it is that it can handle ALL your incoming calls at one
>time. I have my Voice Mail Service set up as an information and ordering
>HOT LINE.  If you expect MORE calls than what this service can handle, then
>you may want to invest about $20.00 a month for a full Voice Mail Service
>or a receptionist who can actually answer the phone to take orders. Make
>sure your receptionist brings Asbestos clothing to work. The receptionist
>will get flames or crank calls.
>The use of a MARKET EXPANSION LINE can also be very useful. This is simply
>a phone number that automatically call forwards to the number of your
>choosing. The advantage of this service is that you can use this number in
>your advertising and then disconnect it at anytime in the future without
>ever compromising your true phone number. Contact your local telephone
>service provider for complete details.
>This Tip is MOST important! Make sure that you have an address and
>telephone number in your message for prospects to call or write.  Yes, you
>will get an occasional nut case/radical who will call to complain. HOWEVER,
>you will receive LOT$ of legitimate orders for your valuable product or
>service! Make sure that you use a MAIL BOX ETC address as your business
>address. This company will give you what will appear to be a real street
>address as opposed to a P O BOX. You never can tell if a REAL nut case will
>drop by your home or business location and cause problems.
>You can make your mass posting program last much longer with your Service
>Provider if you take the time to post a question to the Mailing List that
>fit their subject matter and then add a PS, ... BTW, Do you want to buy
>something ... information. This tip was offered to me by one of the big
>List Syops. However, I found this very time consuming to post individually
>to 1000's of lists and far EASIER to just change Service Providers. Again,
>if you're going to Mass post (spam) ... do it BIG!!!  Little or BIG mass
>posting, the result is the same. Your Service Provider will tire of
>receiving Mail Bombs and eventually give you the Old Heave Ho! Keep in mind
>that you ARE going to be eventually bumped off anyway ... so what's the
>difference?  Don't be afraid to mass post to your Mailing Lists again and
>again. There is a constant turn over of subscribers to any Mailing List
>providing you new prospects for your marketing efforts.
>Your Mailing-List SYOP will say to you "The Internet gods have spoken. You
>are FOREVER BANNED from ever using our Mailing-List again"! They will put a
>block on your current net address preventing you access.  HOWEVER, each
>time you change Service Providers ... guess what?  You have a NEW E-Mail
>Address! The Mailing-List computer site is kind of stupid and doesn't
>recognize that you're the same person. This also works if you change Mail
>programs to the "same" Service Provider. Just a slight change in your mail
>program will do the trick!  Example: Just change from Eudora to Pine and
>AWAY YOU GO AGAIN! Spamming away to your hearts content to Fame and $$
>"I do know one thing about Nettiquette,
>not very many users practice it!"
>The Net is totally unregulated and governed by something called
>"Netiquette."  However, you can within reason, disregard Netiquette because
>of the constantly changing self imposed rules and hypocrisy of most of the
>users. If you don't believe this, just monitor some News Groups and you
>will soon agree! Keep in mind that the Internet community strongly supports
>First Amendment Rights, including the right to distribute and promote
>explicit pornography, text and all sorts of weird ideas and Weirdo's.
>However, at the same time, a small vocal minority will object, oppose and
>seek to censor an innocent commercial message. ... GO FIGURE!!
>I have consulted with everyone from the Internet Society to my states
>Attorney General Office and private Attorneys who specialize in the field
>of Postal, Wire and the newly emerging Internet. There are no civil or
>criminal laws being violated as a result of MASS POSTING!  NONE AT ALL!!
>The Direct Marketing Association says that you should average about 1.5 or
>2 % response from a U S POSTAL mailing program. (The average household
>receives about 60 lb. of junk mail each year.) I have found that percentage
>is right on the money with E-mailing!  In fact, readership is almost 100%
>compared to half of U S POSTAL junk mail being thrown away unopened.
>However, even if your response is only a tiny 1/10 of 1% from 1,500,000
>E-mails, that still is 733 prospective customers for your product or
>I will set up your mass posting program for a total of $425.00 and YOU will
>receive a second mass posting program FREE. You will receive a total
>No need to sit in front of your computer downloading E-Mail addresses for
>literally months at a time! There are thousands of lists! You DO NOT even
>have to own a computer! I can also attach a GIF or JPEG file to your
>message at no additional charge! This file appears as a separate attachment
>to your E-Mail. The file appears on your prospects screen as a quality
>color advertisement with images of you,  your product or service!. (You
>will have to provide the Art work. Lay out must be no larger than an 8 1/2
>x 11.) Cost includes consultation, set-up and running of your advertising
>program on a server of your choosing.
>To begin your Internet Advertising Campaign,
>please call or write to:
>Jeff Slaton
>5901 J Wyoming Bld N E  Suite #284
>Albq.,  NM  87109
>CALL (505) 821-1945
>International Inquires Welcome!
> If you're are calling long distance, you may deduct $5.00 from your order
>to pay for the cost of the call.
>The following must be signed and dated with your payment.
>Advertising on the Internet is new and controversial. You may receive
>protesting phone calls or be the object of electronic attacks if you engage
>in it, particularly on a mass basis.  The use of mass posting programs is
>highly controversial. Mr. Jeff Slaton acts only as a programmer and
>consultant for such services and has no control over what may occur in such
>cases. The purchaser agrees to hold Mr. Jeff Slaton, his employees, and
>representatives harmless from any and all repercussions resulting from the
>use of mass posting programs or services purchased from Mr. Jeff Slaton
>including but not limited to electronic attacks and suspension of
>purchasers Internet account.
>Please accept my order for the above.  I have agreed to the terms and
>conditions as stated above.
>                       Name:       Jeff Slaton                 Title: President
>Customer Signature X______________________, Date X______________
>           Please Print Name ______________________________________
>                                                  Phone
>Jeff Slaton
>All Rights Reserved
Philip Strapp   <[log in to unmask]>