On Wed, 2 Aug 1995 18:35:57 +0200 Maurice Hendrix said:
>Consequently most delivery problems occur with @aol.com addresses.
Well, I'll probably get flamed for it, but I don't mind AOL addresses at
all.  For one, the AOL's mailbox limits are decently high (550 pieces).
For another, they have a fairly stable system with only 3 or so clearly
written SMTP error messages.
I'm amazed at the stuff that bounces sometimes, especially on weekends.
Some of the biggest names regularly falsely bounce stuff (e.g. IBM.COM,
ATT.COM), whereas AOL is generally very accurate.  Yes, there have been
a couple of bloopers from em, but considering the quantity of mail that
we send to AOL users, I'd say the error rate is quite low when you look
at percentages. (Example: On one of my lists 13% of the subscribers are
at AOL.COM.  But, there is no way AOL.COM generates 13% of the bounces.
I'd say the AOL error rate is closer to 3 or 4% of the errors.)
Bill Gruber
City University of New York Computer Center