I'm in the process of moving ROOTS-L, a genealogy mailing list
of over 5000 subscribers, from the VM LISTSERV at vm1.nodak.edu
to a non-VM one at mail.eWorld.com.  Approximately 800 of our
subscribers are in INDEX mode on vm1.nodak.edu, an option they
lose when they shift to mail.eWorld.com.  EWorld has been
quite prompt about installing upgrades to their software
(they're using 1.8b now), so assuming they continue to do so,
can anyone estimate or even guesstimate when we'll be again
able to offer our subscribers an INDEX mode?  (They're also
curious about searching the archived messages via e-mail,
etc.)  Is there some easy place for me to check for the projected
date of the next release and what it's expected to include?
Many thanks!
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