Poster:       "Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843" <[log in to unmask]>
>I think I suggested privately once that we should have some
>bogus lists at the beginning, middle, and end of a list-of-
>lists that would likely targets for spamers.  Mailing to those
>lists would trigger the listserv spam-o-meter.
You know, Peter, that isn't a half bad idea -- long as the spammers don't
catch on and just eliminate the first however many it is.  Frankly, if I
were a spammer and lurked around here to pick up handy dandy tips, I might
just start concentrating on listproc and the others instead ... Or do they
also have spam-o-meters?  A listproc listowner friend told me she couldn't
find any indication of it in what documentation she'd seen.
Still, sooner or later some spammer will figure out how Eric Thomas rigged
the thing and will bypass it.
>/Pete Weiss,
Mario Rups
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