I've just set up a TOPICS for those who just want info, and for a while I
want to moderate the list, until people get used to putting the proper
topic code in the Subject line.
My problem is, I can't seem to get my list set to where the messages come
to me, for editing and approval.  I put send= editor <and> editor= Owner
and the list seems to stay unmoderated.  something simple I'm missing?
Have been plowing through the excellent Listowners Manual, and am still
as usual
Below is last list I put in.
Geff Thorpe
listowner Hepv-L
*  SJU Hepatitis Support Group List HEPV-L
*  Errors-to= Owners
*  Review= Owner           Subscription= Open       Send= Private
*  Notify= Yes             Reply-to= List,Respect   Files= No
*  Confidential= No        Validate= yes,confirm    X-Tags= Yes
*  Stats= Normal,Private   Ack= No
*  Notebook= Yes,B,Monthly,Private    Default-options= Repro
*  Mail-via= Distribute    Auto-Delete= Yes
*  Daily-threshold= 100    list-address= listname
*  Topics= Info            Default-topics= Info,other
*  send= editor
*  editor= Owner
*  Owner=  [log in to unmask]       Geff Thorpe
*  Owner=  Quiet:
*  Owner=  [log in to unmask]        Geff Thorpe
*  Owner=  DRZ@SJUVM