On Wed, 02 Aug 1995 12:46:28 CDT, David Young said:
>    The owner of one of our lists wants the list to be completely open with
> no "lurkers" allowed and asked me if this could be done.
Given the existence of anonymous remailers, mail forwarding, redistribution
lists, and similar, I doubt this could be done.  Even if you *could* force
all the addresses *on the list* to appear, you have no way of knowing if
one of them is actually forwarded to an anonymous remailer that then feeds
into a mail forwarder that sends it to a redistribution list....
You might wish to talk to the list owner and find out exactly *why* he
wants it 'completely open" - is there a problem (real or percieved) that
he is attempting to address?
/Valdis "for (;;) {iteratively_understand_REAL_problem();}"